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Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE SYLLABUS- GO UNIVERSITY

Syllabus and practical assessment of Mdwifery BSc course- GO UNIVERSITY



Course Description- This course is designed for students to appreciate the concept and principles of
midwifery and obstetrical nursing. It help them to acquire knowledge and skill in rendering nursing care to normal and high risk pregnant women during antenatal, natal and post natal period in hospital and community settings. It also develops in skills in managing normal and high risk neonates and participates in family welfare programme.

Course Contents

Unit I

Introduction to midwifery and obstetrical Nursing

· Introduction to concepts of midwifery and obstetrical Nursing
· Trends in midwifery and obstetrical nursing
· Historical perspectives and current trends
· Legal and ethical aspects
· Pre –conception care and preparing for parenthood
· Role of nurse in midwifery & obstetrical care.
· National policy and legislation in relation to maternal health and welfare
· Maternal morbidity, mortality and fertility rates
· Perinatal, morbidity and mortality rates

Unit II

Review of anatomy and physiology of female reproductive system and foetal development

· Female pelvis-general description of the bones, joints, ligament, planes of the pelvis diameters of the
· true pelvis, important landmarks, variations in pelvis shape,
· Female organs of reproductions-external genetalia, internal genital organs and their anatomical
· Relations, musculature – blood supply, nerves, lymphatic, pelvic cellular tissue, pelvic peritoneum.
· Physiology of menstrual cycle
· Human sexuality
· Foetal development
• Conception
• Review of fertilization, implantation (embedding of the ovum), development of the embryo and
· Placenta at term functions, abnormalities, the foetal sac, amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord,
• Foetal circulation, foetal skull, bones, sutures and measurements
· Review of Genetics

Unit III

Assessment and management of pregnancy (ante-natal)

· Normal pregnancy
· Physiological changes during pregnancy.
• Reproductive system
• Urinary system
• Cardio vascular system
• Respiratory system
• Gastro intestinal system
• Metabolic changes
• Skeletal changes
• Skin changes
• Endocrine system
• Psychological changes
• Discomforts of pregnancy
· Diagnosis of pregnancy
• Signs
• Different diagnosis
• Confirmatory tests
• Confirmatory tests
· Ante-natal care
• Objectives
• Assessment
• History and physical examination
• Antenatal Examination
• Signs of previous child-birth
• Relationship of fetus to uterus and pelvis: lie, Attitude, presentation Position
• Per vaginal examination.
· Screening and assessment for high risk;
· Risk approach
· History and physical Examination
· Modalities of diagnosis, Invasive & Non-Invasive, ultrasonics, cardio tomography, NST, CST,
· Antenatal preparation
• Antenatal counseling
• Antenatal exercises
• Diet
• Substance use

AND MANY MORE.......................................................
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed