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Why learn about employee motivation?

What motivates you to do what you do? How do you motivate others to help you or to accomplish things on their own? You have already learned a lot about business and the role people play, both as managers and employees, in helping the organization reach its goals. As a manager you are expected to lead and manage people. As an employee you are given job specific duties and responsibilities you are expected to perform. Neither leading nor following will happen until people are motivated.
Why learn about teamwork and communication?

Why do businesses stress teamwork and communication? Why have you been subjected to the dreaded “group project” in some of your classes? We think of ourselves as individuals, each hired or chosen for our individual expertise, talents, and experience, and yet we are often asked to work with others on assignments and projects. Why? Because we are capable of so much more when we work together. In this chapter you will learn about teams, why businesses use them, why they succeed, and why they fail. As part of our examination of teamwork, we’ll also look at the critical role communication plays in helping businesses achieve their goals and objectives, and also some of the challenges they face in using electronic communication.

In the following video, Steve Jobs explains the value of collaboration at Apple—a company that, he says, is great at teamwork and relies on trust, not hierarchy.

Also in this module

-Human Resource management
  • Employees motivation, managing process, Marketing, Human resource management
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed