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This stage is the MODULE 3 of the LLB law course. By this time you should have gone through the Module 1 & 2 and have done all the comprehensive Viva.

This module 3 covers the following:
-Rule of Law and Human Rights.
-Sources of Law based on customs, Precedent & Legistrations.
-Arbitration law
-Government Systems and legistrations. (Seperation of powers, Principle of National Justice)
-Rule of Equity
-Labour law
-Law of Torts and consumer protection
-History of cultures

Comprehensive Viva:
Sessions, visits to court and writing of observations and reports just as in module 1 & 2.
Read books from library or references on the internet. Follow high profile cases and make personal observations and write reports.

Our course lectures and notes are so comprehensive that if you don't have the means you can still follow this law course very successfully without spending extra money on buying books. Use library and internet for your research.
  • Constitutional Law - Rule of Law
  • What is the Rule of Law?
  • Video 1 - The Rule of Law
  • The Rule of Law
  • Lord Bingham - The Rule of Law
  • What is the rule of law?
  • The Rule of Law
  • 'China has laws, but no rule of law' says Mo Shaoping - BBC News
  • Rule of Law Radio Teaches How To Talk to a Police Officer during a Traffic Stop
  • Rule of Law, Peace and Security
  • The Story of Human Rights
  • Rule of Law Is Human Rights
  • Rule of Law Series - Part 1 - Defining the Rule of Law
  • Rule of Law Series - Part 2 - Dicey's Rule of Law
  • Rule of Law Series - Part 3 - The Rule of Law and Magna Carta
  • Rule of Law Series - Part 4 - Habeas Corpus and the Petition of Right
  • Sources of LAW based on natural, custom, precedence & legistration
  • Sources of Law
  • Source of Law - Legislation
  • Source of Law - Customs
  • Sources of International Law , visualized.
  • Sources and Islamic Schools of Law: Lesson-2
  • The Natural Law as a Restraint Against Tyranny | Judge Andrew P. Napolitano
  • LAW121 - Natural Law Theory
  • Natural Law Theory in less than 6 minutes
  • What Is Natural Law? (#AskFrBarron)
  • WOEIH 36 Natural Law and Hermetic Principles w/ Mark Passio - Full
  • Jurisprudence: Natural Law
  • Custom (law)
  • Source of Law - Precedence
  • Judicial Precedent: Types of Precedent and Court Hierarchy AS/GCSE Law
  • What Is Legal Precedent?
  • Liberty, Legislation, and Law | Donald J. Boudreaux
  • How laws are made - Parliament
  • what is Labour Law
  • labour law
  • labour law
  • labour law
  • Law of Torts
  • Law of Torts lecture
  • Law of torts
  • Law of torts
  • Law of torts
  • Law of torts
  • Law of torts
  • what is law of Torts? text notes
  • What is Arbitration Law? text notes
  • Legislation__Law-Arbitration-RC.pdf
  • international_commercial_abitration.compressed.pdf
  • Arbitration- ghana arbitration act
  • Arbitration- ghana arbitration bodies
  • The impact of international arbitration on the rule of law
  • Family Law Arbitration Long clip
  • Mock Arbitration
  • Mock Arbitration
  • 2 Arbitration Litigation Finest Law.wmv
  • YOUR GOVERNMENT: Legislation
  • Three Co-Equal Branches of Government?
  • Apartheid in South Africa Laws, History: Documentary Film - Raw Footage (1957)
  • Common law Vs Statutory Law & Common law Vs Civil law : Differences
  • Video Lecture: Parliamentary vs Presidential System of Government
  • An Introduction to Parliament
  • GV311 (2013/14) Week 1: Introduction to British Government
  • UK Parliament Open Lecture -- Parliament and Suffragettes: 2014 lecture
  • Introduction to Political Science
  • Introduction to Political science
  • What Is Political Science?
  • What is Political Science?
  • An Introduction to Political Science Through Classic Political Works.wmv
  • Political science
  • Political Science 30: Politics and Strategy, Lec 1, UCLA
  • what is political Science?
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed