Multiple lectures and notes. MODULE 1 LLB LAW
The full LLB LAW course contains 15 modules. Each module contains series of unit lectures, presentations, assignments and projects. After completing each module you can request a module certificate on the site and print and move to the next module.
After completing all modules including assignments, projects, sessions, internship and eventual assessment and examinations an LLB law degree will be due.
Each Module of the LLB law course contains between 60 and +-100 video lectures & text notes from top professors & technical support sources worldwide. It introduces you in a very effective way to the general law and principles.
Start from top to bottom following each text notes & video lectures. DONNOT skip any unit notes or lectures, they are all very important. It is to your advantage to fully follow all lectures and notes contents. Don't cheat yourself by skipping lectures to finish faster! If you do that you cut off yourself from due knowledge.
Some lectures & notes are longer while some are very short. Click on a lecture or note in the list below to open to play or read.(Start from top to next under till last one at bottom.
Depending on the time you allocate each module (this module) should take you between minimum 6 weeks to 12 weeks to finish, including assignments, research and projects. You may take longer time if you are a worker or busy with other things.
Follow each lecture attentively, make comprehensive notes, read and study reference books on each topic in the lectures. Use law dictionary and seek to understand all the law terminologies used.
Get books from library or materials on the internet and read fully on topics treated in each module: Rule of Law, Constitution, What is law & origins? what is common law? legal systems, and all topics mentioned in module lectures.
Comprehensive notes are already included in these modules but do more references and research.
The following topics are treated in module 1 lectures from top international professors & law researchers.
Among many other things this Module 1 seeks to give you knowledge and understanding of the following:
What is Law?
Origin of Law
Rule of Law.
Criminal Law
Law Institutions with reference to English legal system.
European law
Constitution, Rule of Law and many more.
All the instruction and guide given above here applies to all 15 modules.
Below is a website where you can upload past law exams questions to practice later when you advance in the course:
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