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Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 15 GO UNIVERSITY

Assessment and management of High risk new born
· Admission of neonates in the neonatal intensive care Units-protocols
· Nursing management of
• Low birth weight babies
• Infections
• Respiratory problems
• hemolytic disorders
• Birth injuries
• Malformations
· Monitoring of high risk neonates
· Feeding of high risk neonates
· Organization and management of neonatal intensive care Units
· Infection control in neonatal intensive care Units
· Maintenance of Records and Reports

Unit XI

Pharmaco -therapeutics in obstetrics

· Indication, dosage, action, contra indication and side effects of drugs
· Effect of drugs on pregnancy labour & puerperium
· Nursing responsibilities in the administration of drug in Obstetrics –oxytocins, antihypertensive,
· Diuretics, tocolytic agents, anti –consultants;
· Analgesics and anesthetics in obstetrics
· Effects of maternal medication on foetus and neonate

Unit XII

Family welfare programme
· Population trends and problems in India
· Concepts, aims, importance and history of family welfare programme
· National Population: dynamics, policy and education
· National family welfare programme; RCH, ICDS, MCH. Safe motherhood
· Organization and administration; at national, state, district, block and village levels
· Methods of contraception; spacing, temporary and permanent, Emergency contraception
· Infertility and its management
· Counseling for family welfare
· Latest research in contraception
· Maintenance of vital statistics
· Role of a nurse in family welfare programme
  • Assessment_and_Management_of_High_Risk_Neonates_DrLawHN.pdf
  • Hematology and Oncology: Hemolytic Disorders
  • Hemolytic Disorders and Their Management
  • Products for obstertics
  • Drug Therapy During Labor and Delivery, Part 1
  • Effects of drugs on pregnancy and neonates.pdf
  • Family welfare programme
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed