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Midwifery & obstetrics Nursing MODULE 12 GO UNIVERSITY

Abnormal Labour –assessment and management
· Disorders in labour
• CPD and contracted pelvis
• Malposititions and malpresentations
• Premature labour, disorders of uterine actions – precipitate labour, prolonged labour
• Complications of third stage: injuries to birth canal
· Obstetrical emergencies and their management;
• Presentations and prolapses of cord, Vasa praevia, amniotic fluid embolism, rupture of uterus
· Shoulder dystocia, obstetrical shock
· Obstetrical procedures and operations;
• Induction of labour, forceps, vacuum version, manual removal of placenta, caesarean section,
· Destructive operations
· Nursing management of women undergoing Obstetrical operations and procedures
  • Disorders in Labour
  • Labour disorders
  • Labour disorders
  • Labour disorders
  • 5 common Labour complications
  • Labour disorders
  • Childbirth Problems
  • Obstetrical emergencies and their management;
  • Obstetric emergencies & management
  • Shoulder dystocia, obstetrical shock
  • Shoulder dystocia, obstetrical shock
  • List of Operations available in obstectrics, gynecology, infertility treatment
  • Operation procedures in obstetrics and common instruments
  • Destructive Operation
  • Nursing management of women undergoing Obstetrical operations and procedures
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed